sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Esta soledad...

This solitude that is consuming me slowly, and that of brads it blocks up
of the hand of all my fears, and while I hide in my sleep
there is always a moment in which I cannot escape, and although it could
to go out running I cannot leave them behind and talvez I have never had
the time to escape from some place to think and to assimilate everything, and this way
to be able to run the risk.
 and now I am going to cry for that that I need and I also that
necisito haceptar that the life is like that and although out I do not say it,
I do not explain yet it to myself, I alone am convatiendon bogeys, which me
they do devil and leave me of my soul.
to get up easily is not, talvez I already left behind my life and a portrait in
a booth and face that thing about blue with wings it is the sky but they are my steps
 those who become denser, segire straight ahead although it costs me but
 it hurts now I go allorar for that that I need and also
I need to accept that the life is like that, that I need volveer to house
 and to have the open doors that abrazen strong and alone they do to me
to feel that I am well for that the silence in my pillows the only thing
that listened is an air that laughs and touches your pity on having seen that I believe that not
it spends to me nothing and that in my sighs go the screams that ask for help and
love and if it is my destination I will try it although it hurts, but I will fight for
not to be like that forever. life here you have me. with me what you want.
  today I ask you to be sorry for once that algien thinks about me, that algien
it worries, that algien loves myself only one time, I alone am convatiendo
bogeys that do me devil and leave my soul. my life loved you,
 already not that more to do ... if you are not I cannot continue. not me
it is difficult work to finish with my life, for which from your game, I am
dead person in life, either he did not laugh, either I do not dream, either I do not feel any more pain, which
do not be the one that went in my heart .. my mind does not stop of
to project your image, and to remember the moments in which we were
together, they are my torture .. for that I have to love you this way, the only thing that me
it stays it is to cry for that you do not feel the same for me, I go to
to cry, for that nobody as you he had lied to me, I believed each one of
your words, I thought that each of your besoso were with love,
 and now I realize that everything was a farce .. congratulations you have
achieved to destroy me completely, you obtained the first place in
more hypocritical person of the world ... I am going to cry for that I hate you,
for all the damage that you did to me, but worse even I will cry for that not as stopping loving you...
I believe that I will never do it!!!! the time has not cured me the wound...
I am going to cry for you. I love you!!!!

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